Pellet Fireplaces, Inserts and Stoves
Pellet stoves are an amazing source of heat and with so many beautiful options available, we are hard-pressed to pick a favorite! We carry several of the top manufacturers, and always have since the first Whitfield pellet stoves came off the assembly line.

What are Pellets?
Wood pellets are a popular form of heat because they are environmentally friendly, have incredible heating capabilities, and are easy to use. Pellets are made of wood by-products such as sawdust. In the Pacific Northwest, most of our pellets are manufactured using Douglas Fir. Pellets can vary in cost, but don’t be fooled by the “Premium” stamped on most brands of pellets! As recently as 2015, pellets and pellet stoves were not regulated by the EPA and therefore the “Premium” label could be put on any bag of pellets, regardless of its actual quality. Visit our news page to learn more about EPA regulation, pellet stove maintenance and pellet fuel quality.
How do pellet stoves work?
All manufacturers have their own “operating system” when it comes to pellet appliances, but the idea is essentially the same: pellets are dumped in to the hopper and then fed by an auger to a burn area. The amount and rate at which they are fed is controlled by the homeowner or a thermostat. An electronic ignitor coupled with a combustion blower completes the ignition sequence and lights the pellets on fire, producing a nice wood-like fire at the press of a button!
Pellet stove options
Pellet stoves come in all shapes and sizes, it’s hard to narrow it down! The stoves all come completed, you just choose which look and operating system you like the best. Most pellet stoves are so efficient, they produce less than 1 gram of emissions per hour, meaning they burn almost all the heating energy the pellets can provide. With proper maintenance and quality pellets, your pellet stove will last for many years to come.
Visit one of our showrooms or Click Below to browse the latest models
Two Locations
To Serve Your Needs
Port Orchard Store
3301 W. Hwy 16
Port Orchard, WA
360-373-3941 (Sales)
360-373-1332 (Service)
Poulsbo Store
18657 Hwy 305, Suite A
Poulsbo, WA
360-779-1331 (Sales Only)