SALES: (360) 373-3941 | SERVICE: (360) 373-1332 |

In House Payment Plan Program

Custom Hearth Payment Plan

The custom Hearth in House Payment plan offers you, our customer, an easy, economical, and efficient way to purchase one of our premium hearth or outdoor products without the hassle of institutional financing. Fair terms, no credit limit and instant service upon approval.

Custom Hearth Fireplaces and Stoves -

Terms & Conditions



  1. Purchaser is responsible for any permit or inspections that may be required
  2. I understand that this job is based on an estimate of required parts and that a final adjustment will be made based on parts used to make the project safe and meet all county and city codes.
  3. Rainshadow,Inc. DBA Custom Hearth will be furnishing labor and materials for which a lien may be claimed if your final payment is not received when due.
  4. Cancellation of custom order hearth pads and materials are subject to 50% restock fees unless production can be stopped.
  5. All returns are subject to a 20% restock fee and may be denied by management on a case by case basis.
  6. All bids good for 30 days and subject to approval of company management.
  7. If any account is referred to an attorney for collection due to lack of payment, said account will be subject to a reasonable collection fee or attorney’s fee, cost and finance charge.
  8. Owner shall be responsible for painting any exposed gas piping.
  9. Warranties will not be honored if any monthly payment is missed.
  10. Refunds on cancelled jobs are to be reviewed by management and are subject to non-refundable initial deposit.





Two Locations

To Serve Your Needs

Port Orchard Store
3301 W. Hwy 16
Port Orchard, WA

360-373-3941 (Sales)
360-373-1332 (Service)

Map & Directions

Poulsbo Store
18657 Hwy 305, Suite A
Poulsbo, WA

360-779-1331 (Sales Only)

Map & Directions


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