SALES: (360) 373-3941 | SERVICE: (360) 373-1332 |

Service and Repair

Custom Hearth Service Map

Service and Repair

Custom Hearth Service Department

Custom Hearth is excited to offer various services for your fireplaces and stoves, from fireplace maintenance to chimney cleanings! At Custom Hearth, we believe that education is critical. Therefore, our service technicians are NFI Certified and factory trained. We are also proud to employ one of only 2 CSIA certified technicians in the Puget Sound area.

With a commitment to excellence, you can be assured that our licensed, bonded, and insured service technicians will take care of your issue as expediently and professionally as possible.

We offer services throughout the Kitsap Peninsula, the Olympic Peninsula, and more!

Our manufacturers recommend a cleaning and maintenance be performed annually to get the most out of your fireplace! Our services will help maintain your unit and diagnose any issues you may be having, including a 90-day warranty from the date of service.

Standard Gas Appliance Service

$290.00 + Tax

Pellet Appliance Service

$399.00 + Tax





Two Locations

To Serve Your Needs

Port Orchard Store
3301 W. Hwy 16
Port Orchard, WA

360-373-3941 (Sales)
360-373-1332 (Service)

Map & Directions

Poulsbo Store
18657 Hwy 305, Suite A
Poulsbo, WA

360-779-1331 (Sales Only)

Map & Directions


Wood Appliance Services

  • Standard Safety Inspection
  • Level 1 Inspection/Sweep
  • Level 2 Inspection/Sweep
Standard Safety InspectionLevel 1 Inspection/SweepLevel 2 Inspection/Sweep
+ Tax
+ Tax
+ Tax
Clean and vacuum inside of the firebox
Clean Glass &Check seals and gasket
Inspect grates and irons
Confirm clearance to combustibles
Check baffle boards for cracks and efficiency
Ensure ceramic blanket is installed properly
Clean debris from blower
Check operation of handles and levers
Inspect the readily accessible portions of the chimney exterior and interior
Inspect the accessible portions of the appliance in the system and the connections to the chimney
Check the basic structure of the chimney
Provide full chimney sweep and clear soot build up within chimney
Inspect areas of the venting and chimney that are in “hard to reach areas"1
Verify there are no obstructions or combustible deposits in the flue
Verify all clearance to combustibles in the chimney that are in “hard to reach areas"1
Scope the interior of the flue system using the camscope to look for any gaps or deterioration

1. hard to reach areas of chimney defined as crawl spaces, basements, and or attics

To inquire about our services or schedule an appointment with one of our certified technicians, please fill out our form below and we will contact you within 24hrs upon receipt: 

Services I am interested in:
Fuel Type

Emergency Mode:

In the fall and winter, our service department is in Emergency Mode, which means that our top priority is repairing units. We still offer the preventative maintenance service, but our focus is on fixing broken heaters. Our service technicians work long, hard hours during the winter months to do their best to get everyone’s favorite heat source up and running as soon as possible. During the cold season, you will experience variable  wait times based on our workload, but  we guarantee that your heater will receive the best care and close attention. Try to avoid the rush and schedule early!
Remember, preventative maintenance is a great way to catch potential problems before it gets cold!
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