SALES: (360) 373-3941 | SERVICE: (360) 373-1332 |


Before you call for service, make sure to check the following:

  • Check the batteries in your remote, your thermostat, and your receiver.
  • Check your propane tank (if applicable). If your tank is at 30% or below, have it filled before calling us.
  • Check your hopper (if applicable). If your pellet stove has run out of fuel, your stove will need to be reset.
  • Make sure everything is plugged in and the breakers for the outlets haven’t been tripped.
Want to do your own troubleshooting?
Request the owner’s manual for your unit. We can e-mail you a pdf copy for free!
Cold Weather Pilot:
If you have turned your pilot off for the warmer seasons and are having trouble lighting it when the temperature drops outside, you may just be experiencing a cold weather pilot issue. This simply means that the heavy, cold air has settled in your piping and the firebox is having a hard time establishing a draft to keep the pilot light burning. The fastest, safest way to remedy this is to take your glass off of the front and let the air from the room warm up the firebox for a half an hour and try again. Keep your pilot in continuous pilot mode for the remainder of the season to avoid this problem in the future. If this does not work, call us for service.
Remote Operation Videos





Two Locations

To Serve Your Needs

Port Orchard Store
3301 W. Hwy 16
Port Orchard, WA

360-373-3941 (Sales)
360-373-1332 (Service)

Map & Directions

Poulsbo Store
18657 Hwy 305, Suite A
Poulsbo, WA

360-779-1331 (Sales Only)

Map & Directions


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